Saturday, December 26, 2009

Weidmayer Christmas Party

My parents hosted my dad's family Christmas party at their house last night. We have another HUGE Weidmayer party tonight which includes all of the cousins and is around 120 people. That is why it's nice to have a separate party with just my dad's 2 brothers, mom and their families.

I thought it was so cute that Emily went up to Great Grandma and was talking to her, she is such a big girl now.
Emily said she wanted to take a picture of "the girls" which included my cousin Bob too.  It turned out well, Bob is on the left, his wife Jackie in the middle and Bob's sister Patti is on the right.
Emily said, take a picture of me with Great Grandma, but then she got a little distracted.  :)
Emily did a great job helping Great Grandma open her presents.
Some of the presents took a little muscle, Emily said "Pull!"
My brother Dave, Jim, Aunt Karen, and my mom watching Grandma open her presents.
Emily LOVES this "BIG BALL" at my mom's house.
She cried when we said there were too many people to get it out, then finally we ended up getting it out anyway.  Grandparents always spoil their grandkids!

After everyone left Emily went from person to person and had them put on the princess crown and bracelet and read her this princess sticker book.  Of course Uncle Dave, Grandpa and Grandma were more than willing to participate.

What a fun party, but by the end of the night my pants were too tight, I will have to wear the maternity pants and retire the regular pants.  Now that I am over 18 weeks pregnant even with the button undone, they have become too tight in the waist.  We had a huge meal with turkey, stuffing, gravy, potatoes, green bean casserole, salads, rolls, etc and cookies galore!

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