Sunday, December 27, 2009

Helping Uncle Dave Open His Present

Emily has really enjoyed Uncle Dave, and yesterday we basically got up and ran over to my parents before I changed Emily out of her new PJ's from Santa.  Here is Emily helping Uncle Dave open one of his presents ...
Dave got this awesome plate from my cousin Marlene and his godson Dylan that says "Grilled to Perfection on David's Grill"  and he loved it!  Dave likes to grill out at his lake house and often has his friends over, so he will use this a lot.
After opening the gift Dave surprised Emily by dumping out the box of "popcorn" on her.  It was hilarious, and boy was she surprised.
This was Emily after the surprise.
Emily loved it so much we decided to do it again!
And again, can you see how excited and ready she is by the third time!

Of course Emily wanted to do it several more times, but we had to clean up so Uncle Dave could pack up his stuff.  Uncle Dave is a pretty fun guy!

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