Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Big Box

I was so excited when I saw the mail person dropped off a big box in our garage yesterday with our mail.  I waited until Jim got home for us to open it together because I knew Emily would be VERY excited to see what was in the BIG BOX!  So Jim got home and we carried the big box upstairs, Emily was watching her favorite show Kai-lan and this was more exciting than watching TV!

I am not sure if I captured the excitement well in these photos, but Emily was so excited about the big tower, the popcorn packing stuff, and of course when she opened it and saw candy "CHOCOLATE!  I want to eat it, yum yum yum!"  We said after dinner she could have a piece of chocolate if she ate her meal.  At dinner she told Jim that we made cookies today and Jim asked if he could have one, Emily said "If you are a good boy and eat your dinner you can have one."  Ha ha!

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