Saturday, December 12, 2009

Bible Study Group Christmas Party

Last Tuesday we got together with our home builders bible study group for our Christmas party.  We had a wonderful dinner, and then played Christmas charades.  Our team lost by one point, but we had such a good time it didn't matter who one.  The kids played and they were so cute acting out the word they got.  Emily even participated, her and Claire acted out mistletoe, Emily was to kiss Claire, but instead she planted a big kiss on my cousin Diane, on the lips too!  It was so cute, but I got that on video instead of an actual picture.  After Emily was done, she kept saying she wanted to go again.  She wants to do whatever everyone else is doing!  I acted out Nativity scene and everyone got it, yeah! 

Emily had fun playing, she drew on the board, played with the dollhouse, read a book to Claire, and played the piano.  It was a great time, it's fun now that Emily can participate more and play independently without Jim and I chasing her around the room.

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