Saturday, August 15, 2009

Wolfgang's New Animal

Last night I made a better decision and waiting to take Emily and Lucy for a run at 7:30pm so it wasn't nearly as hot as earlier this week.  This time we ran down to Wolfgang's to check out their new Red Calf!  You can set Emily meeting their new pet, he is so nice and tame.  Of course Emily also enjoyed playing with the goats and looking at the BIG cows, lambs and pigs.  

We stayed a little later than planned and when I turned the corner to run home I realized the sun was setting.  Just before we reached our road Jim came in the car looking for us.  He wanted to make sure we were alright.  What a nice husband and father.  Jim forgot I had my cell phone and he could call me on that, I think he just wanted to see what we were up to.  :)

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