Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Chelsea Fair

I have never seen Emily as excited as last night at the Chelsea Fair.  We went down the big slide with Emily on my lap and it was VERY fast!  When we got to the bottom she was jumping up and down saying "woo hoo!" and "go again, and more more more (with baby sign)!"  It was so cute.   It cost so many tickets we decided to do the train instead, and you can see her pictured with Josie her friend who we met there (the Jackson's - Jaimie, Mark, Josie & baby Ruby).

Emily also loved petting all of the animals and holding this baby bunny (our cousin Daryl Keebleer's bunny).   Plus color's the clown was a hit, especially when they did the parachute with popcorn (candy)!  We had a great time!

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