Friday, August 21, 2009

New Sunglasses

Emily loves sunglasses, hats, purses, bags, shoes and most girly things.  Last night we were leaving to go to Meijer and I put on my sunglasses.  Emily wanted to wear her sunglasses too, but I haven't seen them in weeks.  So I told her to remind me when we get to Meijer and we would get a new pair of sunglasses for her.  Sure enough, 15 minutes later we walk into Meijer and she says, "new sunglasses, where are the sunglasses?"  

So we tried on about 10 pair and she decided these sunglasses fit well, and she liked Pooh on the front.  When we got home she showed them to daddy, and had to wear them on her head like we do too!  She puts them on  her head her self with her hair back and everything.  Of course she wanted to wear them to bed, but luckily I talked her out of that saying she might accidently break them by rolling over them in the night.  The first thing she wanted this morning when she got up, was her sunglasses.  :)

In the second picture, Jim was telling Emily she looked like such a cute little girl in her sunglasses and she "No cute BIG girl!"  She gets that because we tell her she is a big girl now (i.e. peeing on the potty or drinking cows milk).

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