Friday, August 14, 2009

Popsicles with Friends

Monday we went to visit some friends I used to work with (Kelly, Heather & Danielle), I was so excited because some live over an hour away, so we only see each other a couple of times a year now.  But all of us work part-time and get to enjoy our kids.  I snapped a couple of pictures of the kids enjoying the popsicles right before we left. 

Emily is with Julia Filias in the top picture, Julia is a couple of months younger than Emily.  The second picture is of Ian & Mason (Heather's boys) and Julia getting their popsicles from Kelly.  Next picture is Emily with Julia and Angelina (Danielle's girls), in their adorable matching shirts.  The bottom picture is Emily with Venna Kelly's daughter who 18 months old.  Missing from the pictures are Owen Kelly's son who is 3.

We decided we need to get together more often, maybe the orchard this fall.  We did that last fall and it was a big hit with the kids.

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