Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Wilma's House & Ruby AGAIN!

We went over to Wilma's again yesterday morning.  First we had to see the animals, and then we tried to take a picture in front of Wilma's amazing flowers of all of the cousins together.  

I know I am her mom, but I am amazed at some of the ideas Emily comes up with by herself.  When she saw the donkey she grabbed his halter so he couldn't walk away and hung onto that while she pet him with her other hand.

Boy is it hard to get the kids to all smile nice for a photo.  Emily wanted to suck her thumb, so we tried to get the kids to hold hands or put their hands in their pockets to give Emily something to do with her thumb so it wasn't in her mouth.  That seemed to work, but then also getting them to look at us and smile, that is another story!  We tried to have them say cheese or someone's name, you might be able to see they are saying cheese in some of the pictures.  :)

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