Friday, August 14, 2009

Dexter Daze

Kids can spot candy like a mile away.  We sheltered Emily a little bit and she didn't have her first piece of candy or sucker until a couple of months ago.  Now she has had several suckers and spotted the suckers at the Kindermusik booth several feet away this morning.  I didn't even see the suckers at first.  So of course they gave the kids suckers.  Now it's candy in moderation, I still prefer real whole foods, and that is where the garden is good.

Today we went to Dexter Daze with our friends the Finkbeiners, Jenn, Wil (3) and Selma (17 months).  We had a great time, we always visit my favorite store first, Life is Good and then walk around and we grabbed lunch at the Bear Claw.  The day went well, and I was very proud of Emily waiting to go to the bathroom after she told me she had to go until we got to lunch (10 minutes).  I am so proud of her, she is doing really well with the potty training, I guess she is trained?

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