Monday, August 17, 2009

Swimming with Daddy

My dad called yesterday when I was making dinner, "it's the hottest day of the year, do you want to come swimming?"  I told him I was making dinner but that I would ask Jim if he wants to come after dinner.  A few minutes later the phone rings, Jim answers it this time and it's my dad, "it's the hottest day of the year, you better come swimming!"  I had to finish getting dinner (Chicken Broccoli Braid, Corn on the Cob & Melon) ready and I had bread (1 loaf of Banana bread & 2 loaves of Zucchini bread) coming out of the oven, so we went over around 6:30 or 7pm.

As you can see in the pictures, Emily and Jim were having a blast swimming.  I had so many pictures to chose from it was hard to pick only a few!  Emily has no fear so she loved the throwing her up in the air and bouncing on the floaties with her daddy.  She was walking around in the water by herself too.  What a beautiful night it was.

After swimming Emily cuddled with Grandpa "Pa Pa" in the hammock.  

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