Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Luke's Super Hero B-Day Party

Last Saturday we went to our friend Luke's 4th Birthday Party.  It was a super hero theme, which Emily enjoyed.  Emily liked hitting the superman punching bag with her friends Luke (left) and Owen (right) in the bottom picture.  

Her favorite part of the party was probably the pinata and eating her first tootsie roll which she now asks for every day.  

Emily loved the chocolate cake (1st time for chocolate) and ice cream, and sitting at the little table with her buddies Luke & Owen.  She also liked playing on the swing set and her first game of tag.  

I enjoyed holding our friend Marci's new baby girl Natalie, she was such a doll.

Plus isn't the mask she made such a hoot, she wore it around the party for quite a while until I had her take it off because it was making a mark on her nose.

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