Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Music Together

We went to the best class today called Music Together.  There was a free demo at the library.  I have been trying to go to free classes, the only thing we have paid for is swimming since Emily has been born.  So we often go to storytime at the library, play group at church, get together with friends or go to other free events around town.  There are many free events to chose from so we have not missed out!

This Music Together class, was so good.  Emily was following along, copying almost everything the teacher did and it was so fun to see what Emily did next.  Emily really seems to love music. 

During the instrument time, I thought it was so cute how Emily lined up the drums all by herself and started playing them.  It's like she had this idea in her head as she gathered several instruments when most children took only one.

I had a great time too, we might just have to sign up for this in the fall and include it in our budget!

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