Friday, July 17, 2009

Manchester Chicken Broil Night

Sometimes you may wonder if the Cabble's are part of our family.  They are great friends of ours and we see them a lot, they are such wonderful people.  That is why you see Blake, Emily's best friend on our blog all of the time, along with Megan his little sister!  

I have to tell you something from the other night.  Blake and Emily were sitting on our tractor in the garage and Blake had his arm around Emily and he said "best friends sitting together on the tractor."  It was so precious.  

Yesterday Julie and the kids came over and I went to the Manchester Chicken Broil to get take outs without the kids.  Julie stayed at our house with the kids, and it made it so much easier than for us to go down there with the kids.  Plus we didn't have to make dinner either!

The first picture is of Julie with Blake, Emily and Megan at our house.  Then the next picture is of Blake and Emily on the swing outside.  The last picture is of Emily playing with Megan, who she just adores!

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