Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Day 1 at Uncle Dave's

Last week Wednesday we got up before the sun to leave to on a trip to my brother Dave's who lives in Indy.  It takes us about 4 hours so we packed the car the night before and our goal was to be on the road at 6am.  The plan was to try and transfer Emily while she was still asleep and she would sleep the first hour and a half of the drive (seeing she normally gets up at 7:30am).  

The day was off to a pretty good start, Emily was in the car awake, but was so excited to go on Uncle Dave's boat that it didn't matter that she was woken up early.  Emily enjoyed her morning fruit & milk smoothie in the car and a few Diego videos before we got to Dave's.  We stopped for one potty break for Emily, but that was it and we were at Dave's at 10am!

The first day we enjoyed some family time at Dave's house and a fun boat ride.  Emily took a great nap in her princess sleeping bag (with air mattress), bed time was a different story.  Emily ended up sleeping with us, and kept waking up confused where she was and crying a little bit, the only way she would fall back to sleep the first night was laying on top of me.  After she would fall asleep I would inch out from under her, but she kicked me most of the night and I got little sleep.

Here is a picture of Emily with her "pa pa" and Aunt Linda & Emily.  Emily loved the boat rides and didn't mind going fast.

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