Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Day 2 at Uncle Dave's - Indy Zoo

Thursday morning we decided it would be a good day to go to the Indianapolis Zoo.  We were right, they have an amazing zoo!  The highlight for Emily was either the Dolphin show or petting the Elephant!  

We got so close to all of the animals, and there were a lot of water exhibits with animals swimming right on the other side of the glass from us.  Emily had a blast, as soon as we got there she wanted out of her stroller and she literally ran from exhibit to exhibit.  

The top picture is of Joshua and Grandma petting the elephant, Emily enjoyed petting it too!  The next picture is of Emily, Joshua and I looking at the giraffe's.  The next picture is Emily and the walrus looking at each other and the final one is the penguins.  

I think the Indianapolis Zoo is my favorite zoo!

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