Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Fun Run

I have started running again.  I don't get out enough but a couple of times a week, and hopefully the end of this month I will do a race.   With our trip to Dave's I basically took off a week from running, opps!  Monday night I decided I had to get a run in so I asked Emily if she wanted to go see some animals.  Of course she did, so I took her in the joggling stroller and Lucy (84lb lab) on the leash to our neighbors the Wolfgang's.  I think it's about 2.5 miles round trip.  It's really a nice run, we go by many farms and Emily gets to see horses and tractors along the way.  

At Wolfgang's Emily enjoyed the goats, pigs, lambs, and cows, they have a little of everything.

The way home was a little harder, Lucy gets tired at the end and with her going in one direction and me trying to push the stroller in another direction, it gets tricky.  I think we need to work on Lucy shedding the 12 pounds she gained this winter and getting back in shape.  I think the extra 12 pounds has a direct correlation with Emily giving Lucy treats and a few table scraps she didn't used to get.

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