Saturday, January 30, 2010

Bible Study at Peace

Jim and I are part of a bible study at our church called Home Builders.  It's a small group that meets twice a month, and the kids play while we study the bible.  Right now we are talking about parenting, and it was so great on Tuesday.  The focus is on our children having three strong relationships - 1.  with God  2.  with their Parents  3.  with Others.  Instead of focusing on experiences and doing a lot, the focus is on having three strong relationships.  I loved it.

The kids had a blast too, they hung out with our neighbor Jennah (babysitter) and the older kids created this array of food with play-doh!  Wow are they creative!

Pictured below is Claire, Nathan, Blake, Kira, Kevin, Diane & Emily, and Matthew.  (We had a rather small group on Tuesday).


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