Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Manchester Bakery for Grandma's Birthday

For my grandma's 89th Birthday Emily and I took her out to lunch.  She choose her favorite place which is the Manchester bakery, and family owned by my cousin Melanie Weidmayer.  

Amazingly I didn't get a picture of Grandma, usually I always get a picture of Emily and her Great Grandma?  I am really bummed about that.  

We got to eat lunch with Melanie and her daughter Alena, so of course most of the pictures are of Alena!  
Here is Emily and I with Alena, this is the best we could do because Emily was not happy that I was holding Alena!  It will be interesting with the baby comes, Emily is a little spoiled!
Here is Melanie, Alena and Emily goofing around.  The kids are always the entertainment!

Happy 89th Birthday Grandma Weidmayer!

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