Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Snow Day!

Hi mom!  I am in here under all of the snow gear.  Note the sun glasses which she has to wear every time we leave the house!
Going down the slide, boy was it fast with the snow on it!
Emily cleaning her house off because there was snow on her cook top!
Peek a boo!

Last week when we got that great snow fall on Thursday, so Emily and bundled up and played outside.  It was so could out we really we not out there for very long before Emily took her gloves off and then fell into the snow and got her hands wet, "Cold mommy!"  The snow was deeper than Emily is used to and she had a tough time walking around, we got close to 4 inches by the time it stopped snowing.  We still have some snow on the ground and tomorrow it will be one week, but I know the temperatures are going to warm up so it might melt soon.

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