Sunday, January 24, 2010

Great Funeral

The funeral turned out very well on Saturday.  Many friends and family members came to honor dad Heiss.

The memorial in front included blue (favorite color) flowers on the left that said Grandpa, red roses in the center that said Beloved Father and a nice planter with flowers on the right from his Flint friends (they did lunch one a week).  The picture on the right is from Susan's wedding and his urn was a large clay pot.  This summer we will be doing a burial at Bear Lake.

The day started with a slide show of about 75 pictures of dad and we played some of his favorite classical music.  

Below is a picture of Jim, Emily and I right before the memorial service started.
After the memorial service, we had a huge meal that the members of Peace Lutheran church helped with.  Uncle David (Bob's brother) is on the left and Uncle Marvin (my side of the family) is on the right.
Here is Jim with cousin Matt.
Here is cousin Seth (left), Pete and Aunt Sandy and Uncle Brad (right), who is next to cousin Johnnie & his wife. 
Here is Uncle David, cousin Amy, Susan (Jim's sister) and cousin Marty.
Here is my twin sister Linda with son Josh, Jim and our friend Erik.
The kids had a good time playing together, Tristan (Sue's son), Claire (my cousin's daughter), and Emily.  Looks like Emily is the ring leader?

The day turned out really well and we felt so blessed and loved by many family and friends that came to show their respect to dad.  

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