Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Garden Pictures

This morning I downloaded the pictures off of Jim's phone, and found a few pictures of our first garden which was last summer. 

The above fence keeps the critters out and the weed pullers in.  :)
A close up picture of our summer squash, we had way too many!  This year we will plant less summer squash, more peas, more broccoli, and more corn to name a few.
We had almost any veggie you could want, and I sure miss the fresh vegtables, but I am still using the frozen veggies out of our freezer.  Yeah for the food saver, they taste great!

The sprinkler in the center was key, Jim had it on a timer and it keep our garden moist!

This year we have already worked on an expansion from last year's garden, I can't wait to harvest the veggies!  Unfortunately I don't think I will be doing much planting seeing baby #2 will be arriving around that time, and with a planned c-section, the bending over is probably out of the question.

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