Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Emily doctoring Lucy

Lucy hurt her paw a few days ago, so we have been checking on it and Emily has been really into trying to help Lucy feel better.  Lucy has only been walking on 3 legs and holding up her one paw.  I called the vet and they said to give it a few days and give her aspirin, so that is what we have been doing.  Today I think we'll have to call the vet and take Lucy in, which will be a lot of fun with a 2.5 year old and being pregnant.  I'm not even sure if Lucy can get into the car on her own, I don't know if I can lift 80+ pounds - ugh!

Emily got out her doctor bag to "help Lucy feel better" last night, here she is getting ready to give her a shot.
Emily is putting on the blood pressure cuff.

Checking Lucy's blood pressure (boy is Lucy a good patient).

Listening to Lucy's head, I mean heart!  :)

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