Monday, March 1, 2010

Hard Wood Floor is Done!

As most of you know, Jim has been working on a home project.  He extended our loft area and now we have a lot more living space upstairs.  Jim got a bulk of the work done around Thanksgiving time, but then most of the project was put on hold because of his dad's stuff.  The last couple of weekends Jim did the hardwood floor, which looks amazing.  Now I don't even want to walk on it, but we did order a large area rug to cover most of it.  With the toys and stuff I worry about it getting scratched up.

Emily took these pictures of Jim working yesterday, and surprisingly she did a really good job.  I was amazed at all of the different angles she captured, and this is maybe only half or a third of the pictures. 

Looks like Jim posed for the first couple of pictures ...

This was hard work, Jim got blisters and is very sore from the last couple of days.  Good thing he had his volleyball knee pads!  :)
Jim said it was like putting together a puzzle.
Almost done!
As Emily would say, "It looks perfect!"
It adds about 200 square feet.  :)

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