Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Great Grandma Weidmayer

Monday morning was interesting, we got ready for play group and ended to town.  We got there only for me to realize that because Chelsea Schools are on Spring Break this week, there was no Creative Play.  Darn, and Emily was looking forward to it!

So we went to the Dollar Store to get a few things for Easter, then we headed to Great Grandma's house for a last minute visit.

I told Emily on the way to Grandma's, maybe today we can take Grandma to the bakery.  I was a little excited about the idea myself, I wanted to see what my cousin had made for Easter and planned to buy a few treats for this weekend.  Well again, I wasn't thinking and the bakery is closed on Mondays!  UGH!  Emily was a little let down both times, but handled the disappointment well.

Here is a picture of Emily with Great Grandma.

Here is a picture of me (31 weeks pregnant) with Grandma, Emily had to take a picture too!
We had a great time chatting with Grandma and my mother surprised all of us and stopped by with some pretzels for Grandma.  Of course Grandma shared her pretzels with us, so we did end up having a nice treat too!

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