Saturday, March 6, 2010

Music Together - Scarfs

Emily and I just love our music classes, in fact it's my favorite thing we do on a weekly basis.  It's going to be tough deciding if we can do the next session and make it work with baby #2 coming in the middle of the session.

I love it when we play with these colorful scarfs to the music.  Emily was funny waving it in front of Blake and over his head.  Blake loved it, they are such a cute pair.

Someone else pulling a scarf over both Emily & Blake's heads
Emily running around with her scarfs
Emily insisted on wearing a dress on Wednesday after we had talked about going to church that night.  So all day she wore her snowman dress, she loves dresses and I usually save them for church.  I decided to pick my battles on Wednesday and she wore a dress to Music Together!

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