Sunday, March 21, 2010

Daddy Day

Yesterday Jim and Emily spent the day together.  They took a "trip" to Midland and saw his mom and step-dad Alan plus got some stuff done for his dad's estate.  

I had mixed feelings about them going without me, I knew I will miss Emily a lot, and I wanted to see his mom and Alan too.  But I had some things here I needed to get done too.  They left right after Emily got up at like 8:30am and then got back a little before 5pm.  

Here is Emily in the BIG red truck using her colorworks markers and kit from Jane.  

Emily and Grandma Jane made Easter cookies together - carrots, easter eggs, etc with M & M's on them - yum!
Emily looks a lot like her Grandma Jane!

They had a great time, and Emily said that we need to go again, but this time Mommy needs to go too!

I enjoyed my day to myself, I went to a Mom 2 Mom sale, Whole Food, Kohl's, and a few other stores, plus 3 loads of laundry and worked on my stuff for teaching at Adrian.  It was very productive day but I sure missed my little girl, this was the longest I had been away from her!

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