Saturday, March 6, 2010

Ann Arbor Hands On Museum

On Tuesday we decided to go to the Hands On Museum with some friends.  I had not been there since I was little, so I barely remembered it.  

The biggest hit was the Bob the Builder display, Emily loves tractors and stuff so she was right at home.  

Here is Emily and Blake on a tractor

Some sort of ball machine?
Yeah, a slide, Emily and Megan getting ready to go down the slide.
Emily catching Megan on the slide (see video at the bottom).
Fishing anyone?
What a great builder, just like her daddy!
Making music on the huge piano (see video for more)
This is pretty cool
A harp with no strings? 
Tornado anyone?

Every time Emily sees these pictures and video she says she wants to go again.  She had a great time, and was very well behaved.  The only thing missing is they don't have food there, good thing we brought enough snacks for lunch!

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