Wednesday, March 31, 2010

First Dentist Visit

Yesterday afternoon Emily got her teeth cleaned for the first time!  She had been to the dentist one other time and saw both Jim and I get our teeth cleaned, but this time she was in the big black chair!

Doesn't she look so cute (and little) waiting for the dentist to come in?
The dentist checked (counted) all of her teeth and said they look great!
Here is the dentist cleaning her teeth with a Winnie the Pooh toothbrush (Emily was a little unsure of the electronic gadget that cleans the teeth, and they didn't want to scare her on her first visit).
Here is a video of the dentist checking and counting Emily's 20 teeth (10 on the bottom and 10 on the top).  

I was very proud of my little girl, she was a little unsure, but listened to the dentist and did a great job.  Then she sat patiently as I got my teeth cleaned.

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