Monday, March 8, 2010

50+ Degrees Today!

I wish I wouldn't have wait until after 4pm to go outside today.  It was so beautiful and nice out, a little muddy, but the perfect temperature.

I thought this was a nice picture of Emily on our walk today.
Emily looking at the birds.
A sure sign of spring, Robins!
We saw a caterpillar at the neighbors house.  Everything is exciting to Emily!
Of course Emily had to stomp in all of the mud puddles, which is why we wore our boots!
Emily took a few pictures of me hitting balls to Lucy too.
Emily would go get the ball from Lucy and bring it to me, what a great helper!
We played a little soccer too!
Good kick!

After the softball and some soccer we went on a walk.  We walked on Nathans Trail, I thought for sure I wore Emily out with all of our walking, but she is still awake and it's almost 11pm.  On the days she naps she won't go to bed so do we suffer through an evening after no nap or does she stay up late?  Another great thing about our walk today is we saw several of the neighbors and we saw Jennah our neighbor drive by so of course we had to walk down to Jennah's house and say hi!

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