Thursday, May 21, 2009

Playing in the Sand at Timbertown

We went to Timbertown this morning, it was a last minute thing because we had no plans today.  You would think Emily would have liked going down the slides or climbing the big play structure the most, but it wasn't she enjoyed playing in the sand most of the time we were there.  The other thing she liked was the swings.  At home she likes to climb and go down the slide, I never would have thought she would have liked playing in the sand so much.  But we don't have a sand box here, and she has only played in the sand a couple of times.  We did climb the play structure some, and go down the slide once or twice.  The other thing she enjoyed was a little chipmunk who she kept watching, and it would run away and they she would say "Where did it go?"  Finally when it was time to leave she wanted to find the chipmunk and I told her it went night night under the play structure so we wouldn't see it again because it was asleep.  If I hadn't said that I think we would still be looking for that little chipmunk at Timbertown.  When she was eating lunch after we got home she still kept saying chipmunk go night night.  Hopefully when she gets up from her nap she won't want to go find the chipmunk.

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