Wednesday, May 20, 2009

At the Park

Could the grass get any greener?  Wow, the weather was perfect yesterday.  Emily and I started off our morning with a nice walk to the park and then lunch with the Cabble's.  We had a great time at the park, Emily and Blake enjoyed swinging, climbing on the play structure, going done the slide and running around of course.  Emily is getting good at climbing and can climb up most things, yesterday she enjoyed climbing up the "bumpy" slide.  Baby Megan was a little angel as she watched the kids play, doesn't it look like she is waving in this picture?  She is 6 months old.  Megan enjoyed a couple of trips down the slide on her ma ma's lap.  

Last night I went for a run with Emily in the jogging stroller, of course the faster I go the more she likes it.  She keep saying more when I would take a break to walk, I am a little out of shape.  Emily is the youngest trainer I have seen, but she pretty motivating with her "more more!"

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