Sunday, May 3, 2009

Outdoor Fun

What a beautiful day today.  After lunch Emily and I went outside to enjoy the bright sunshine.  She had a great time with her sand & water table which I got for a steal at a Mom 2 Mom sale.  Emily was so wet by the time we went inside I had to completely change all her clothes including her socks and onesie.  Emily got these great gardening set from our neighbors who own the Garden Mill in Chelsea (great place if you are in town), she loves the watering can the most and watered a lot of our flowers today.  Yeah, they didn't need it with all of the rain we have had, but it kept her busy for a while.  Plus Emily likes to spray the dog Lucy with the hose, which is so adorable to watch, Lucy even comes up to Emily with the hose in her hand so Emily can spray her.  :)  We also had to try out the bubble machine (another Mom 2 Mom steal) and we enjoyed playing on the swing set too!  The only bummer is Emily may have allergies, every time we go outside she gets stuffed up and her nose runs.  UGH!  We will pray they go away quickly, we would hate to stay couped up inside this summer.

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