Friday, April 2, 2010

Trip to Midland

Wednesday we took a drive to Midland.  With some of the changes we are making in the house and the baby coming we need some new furniture.  

Before we had Emily we had gotten a couple of things from Amish Reflections in Midland.  After some searching for the last few months we are back to Amish Reflections, we just couldn't find anyplace that has the quality and price that they do.

While in Midland we got to see Jane and Alan.  Emily enjoyed a trip to The Plaid Giraffe and picked out a hat for Easter and some PJ's.  They are really adorable!  Of course Grandma likes to spoil her little girl, she also gave us a cool Easter Egg kit which we are going to do today and  some jelly beans for the road home.  Thanks Grandma!

Here is a picture of Emily and her Grandma Jane.
Hmm, what should we have for dinner?  

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