Friday, April 2, 2010

Bonfire at the Neighbors

On the way home from church last night Jim calls and says the neighbors are having a bonfire, do you want to go for a little while?  We'll lucky Emily had taken a good nap last night so we quickly changed out of our church cloths and headed to the neighbors.

We enjoyed a nice bonfire, some smores and great conversation with the Sullivans.  To our surprise the neighbor boy Phil's girlfriend and family go to our church.  They were there, so we got to chat with them as well.  

Here is a picture of Emily sitting with her daddy, so cute!
Emily sitting in the big chair enjoying the fire.
I had to take a picture of Emily perched on this big rock too!

Plus Emily got a little purple purse and a few treats from the neighbors - princess domino's & McDonald's certificates.

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