Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Jada's Dora B-day Party

Saturday evening we had Jada's Dora Birthday Party.  Jada is our God daughter, and she turned 2!  

Kelly planned an incredible Dora party, Emily had such a blast I might steal some ideas for Emily's party in May!

Here Kelly is telling the kids about the Dora Hunt, and handing out maps, Emily was to look for the orange eggs!
I found an orange egg!
Emily checking her map.
This is where we need to go next ...
Daddy, I am making a Dora bracelet!
Emily worked on that bracelet forever, she dropped it 4 or 5 times and kept redoing it.  She completely missed the next activity because she had to finish her Dora bracelet!  Another idea for a Birthday present - jewelry making stuff, she loved putting the beads on the string.
Time for presents!
Jada blowing out her candle.  I loved the Dora cupcakes too, aren't they so cute!

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