Wednesday, April 14, 2010

That Cow Licked Me!

Sunday afternoon I was exhausted after the Women's Retreat, but it was such a nice day out that Emily and I decided to go for a walk.

We walked to my mom's cousin's house Barb Wolfgang who lives between 1 and 1.5 miles from us.  Emily got to ride in the stroller, and being 8 months pregnant, I decided to leave the dog Lucy at home too.  

It was a great workout for me, and the weather was perfect too.

Here is a picture of Emily walking up to the cows.
This was before the cow licked her.
This is after the cow licked her, she was not sure sure about that!
Here are the cute little lambs they got for the fair.

We also so the baby pigs and the 4 goats.  Emily was a little scared of the animals so I didn't get many pictures.  Typically she loves them and hugs and kisses them, but we haven't been around animals since last summer.  I am sure she will warm up quickly at the fair this summer!

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