Sunday, February 14, 2010

Fun at the Treehouse with Chase

Last week I was so glad my friend from college Shanan called and they drove down and met us at the Treehouse.  We hadn't been there in ages, and Emily had a blast!  Not once did I have to climb up and go down the slide, she did everything by herself!  Plus she stopped to take a break and ate 100% of her lunch!  Yeah!  I thought with all of the distractions I wouldn't be able to get her to eat.

Here is a picture of Emily and Chase coming down the slides.  Chase is just a little older than Emily and turns 3 in March.
My big girl wasn't scare even though she came flying down the slide!

I think it's somewhere we'll  be going more often, Emily had a ball and got lots of energy out while I got to relax and chit chat with my friend.  What a perfect outing.  

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