Friday, February 26, 2010

Big Drum at Music Class

Emily just loves our weekly music class.  Sometimes when she gets up in the morning she asks if we are going to music class.  The other thing she asks for lately is to go to church.  Last Sunday we were leaving the early service and some people were coming to Sunday School, she said that she wanted to go to church again!  On Monday I asked what she wanted to do and she said go to church!  I am so glad she loves to go to church.  Now Emily knows the days of the week and sometimes she says "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Church!"  We typically ask her what we do on Sunday and she says church, so sometimes she skips saying Sunday and just says Church!  

This was last weeks music class, Emily's favorite instrument right now is the big drum!  Here she is playing the big  drum with her buddy Blake.  Blake's little sister Megan is across from them playing a smaller drum in the blue.  It always amazes me how at such a young age the children are playing musical instruments and can follow along!

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