Friday, February 26, 2010

Family Night

We had a treat last night, dinner at our friends house.  Jen & John Myers had us over to their house in Grass Lake for BBQ Pork Loin, twice baked potatoes, green beans, bread and of course some fun snacks.  The kids had a great time playing in the basement after dinner.  

Emily being her usual "no fear" self on the slide.
Sidney White (Anne & Mike's daughter - she is almost 3.5, and will be a big sister in March) on the slide
Davis Myers (2) and his little sister Quin (4 months) is not pictured!  UGH!
Follow the leader
On a side note, the reason Emily has several stickers on her shirt is because yesterday I had my glucose test.  The Chelsea lab was very nice and Emily got 4 stickers and 1 stuffed animal!  She loved it.  

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