Thursday, June 4, 2009

Playdate with friends from HS

Most days are all about the kids, today it was about the mommy's too.  Linda and I got together with some friends from High School and it was so nice to catch up and see everyone's children.  Linda and I got together with Jennifer Myers (top left), Anne White (top middle), Kim Kantz (top right), and then on the bottom it's Me, Linda Gifford, and Allyson Paplawsky (bottom right).  

We tried to get a picture with all of the children, but with toddlers it's hard to get them to sit still and of course some didn't want to be apart from their mom too.  In the kids picture  - top row is Caleb Gifford (7), Emily Heiss (2), Joshua Gifford (4), center row - Sydney White (2.5), Ben Paplawsky (5), Ashley Kantz (5), standing in orange Thomas Paplawsky (2), and bottom is Davis Myers (19 months), not pictured is Madison Kantz (3.5).  With all of these children it was a lot of fun, new friendships were made and I am sure it is something we will have to do again.

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