Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Great Grandma Weidmayer Visit

Here is our height update at Great Grandma's house.  Hee he!  I say that because Great Grandma is usually sitting in the same chair and I always ask Emily to stand by grandma to have her picture taken.  We can look back on many pictures to see how much Emily has grown from a little baby where grandma is holding her to now where Emily is about 3 feet tall.  

We had a nice visit with my grandma yesterday, I have gotten to know her better because we get some time to talk one on one.  It used to be that I mostly saw my grandma at holidays and events, and you don't get to chat as much compared to my visits with just Emily and I.  Grandma read to Emily and gave Emily a few M & M's which are Emily's favorite!

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