Thursday, April 23, 2009


The weather fooled me a little bit today.  I was so excited about a picnic lunch at the park and lots of fun playing outside.  We did go to Timbertown and enjoy a picnic lunch with our friends, but I was a little cold the entire time.  Luckily I dressed Emily in lots of layers and she kept warm.  

We met our friends Julie, Blake & Megan plus Abbe & Hunter at Timbertown.  There are some adorable pictures of Emily and Blake sitting on the park bench together.  They were holding hands just sitting there so cute I had to run to get my camera.  For once they were still holding hands when I came back with the camera and captured the top picture.  Then Blake leaned in for a kiss.  :)  Yesterday at Blake's house Emily wanted to kiss him and he didn't want any kisses, today it was the opposite.  Young love, so many ups and downs.  hee hee

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