Saturday, April 11, 2009

Good Friday

Emily is so darn funny, yesterday I got some plastic eggs out so I could fill and hide them on Sunday for Easter.  Emily insisted on getting to the eggs, climbing up on the dinning room table every second I turned my back to get to them.  So I gave her three empty ones to play with, and she carried them everywhere.  Emily would also throw them, all three at one time, drop them on the floor and kick them.  Who knew three empty eggs could be so much fun.  As soon as we got home from church last night she had to get her eggs.  When I got out my camera she "cheesed" for the first shot, and then was busy with her eggs.  I was amazed at how she carried them upstairs, one under her chin.  I don't know where she learned that at, but it was so cute.

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