Saturday, November 28, 2009

Helping Daddy

We are making a few changes to our house to prepare for baby number two which is supposed to arrive next May 2010!  So we are extending our loft area and moving our den/office out there and Emily will go into the bedroom which we have been using as our den.  Emily loves to help daddy and hands him tools and cheers him on.  The first time we got home to see the new floor/ceiling she said to Jim "It looks perfect!"  Her other favorite lines are "I'm so proud of you daddy," "It looks beautiful," "Good job dad," "You yell real loud when you need another one!"  The last one is when she is handing him tools and stuff.  Jim says she has to wear shoes to help him, so now whenever he goes to work on the project she runs and gets her shoes on and her "work hat" and then says "I want to help you daddy!"  She is a good little helper and listens well (most of the time).  I really need to get this on video!

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