Emily went to VBS at my parents church. I was so proud of her, my parents took and she was in a classroom with a teacher and kids she did not know and was fine. Seeing I stay home, I rarely leave her with anyone and this was a completely new thing for Emily. We have talked about preschool which she starts this fall and the fact that she will go by herself; it sounds like she is ready! Yeah!
A couple of months ago when we were at church and it was time for the kids to go up front for the children's message Emily said to us "I'll go up front by myself today!" It was out of the blue, we hadn't talked about it or anything, and that was right before we had Mary. So now every week she walks up front by herself. I can't believe how much more grown up and independent she is.
Here is Emily waiting for VBS to begin (actually standing like Pa pa is on the right).
In her classroom with "Miss Katie" - I baby sat Katie when she was little
Grandma & Emily hanging out
Emily going down the big slide
Emily on the merry go round
My mom said that Emily's teacher said she was perfect!