Saturday, June 5, 2010

Emily's First Time on a Horse

Today we went next door for our neighbor's graduation party from High School.  Jim is gone up to Flint so I put Mary in the carrier and Emily and walked next door for the party.  Seeing we are on 10 acres, and our neighbor has 10 acres, plus there is an empty 10 acre lot in between us, it was a pretty good walk.

The Sullivan's have horses, and after lunch they got out one of the horses for the kids to ride.  Mary was hungry so we went inside to nurse Mary; Emily watched out the window as the other little kids rode the horse around the yard.  Emily was so excited to be on a horse for the first time and wasn't scared at all.  Basically Scott lifted her up there and she held on tight as Sunshine walked around the back yard.  At times it was a pretty fast walk or Sunshine sped up suddenly, with the ride a little jerky, but Emily hung on tight and loved every minute of it.  In fact she didn't want to get off, and Scott finally said they were cutting the cake which convinced her it was time to get off the horse.

This is going to be so much fun ...
Emily got serious when Sunshine speed up ...

Sunshine was tired (or maybe hot) at the end ...

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