Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Peace Play Group on Tuesday

Yesterday we had the best play group at Peace Lutheran church.  We started with open play and Emily enjoyed playing with play dough, playing peek-a-boo with baby Megan, building this tower with Matthew, and so much more.  Emily was funny saying she is "a big sister now" and that her baby sister is Megan.  Everyone kept looking at me when she said "I'm a big sister now" and I kept telling her to not start any rumors.  

After open play we had a snack, then heard a story about God creating the world.  Emily created a sunset with paint and a marble that rolled around in a box as she tipped the box the marble rolled throw the paint spreading it.  She did a good job with the craft.  

Then it was bubbles, and circle time with songs, fun, fun fun!  I think that was the best Peace play group we have been to yet!  I am looking forward to the rest of our fall activities.  I didn't sign up Emily for preschool, so I made my own schedule filled with many fun activities and play groups.  She will not be lonely or bored!

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