Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Caleb's Soccer Game

We surprised Caleb and went to his soccer game last Saturday. My parents and brother Dave came and picked up Emily an I a little after 7am!  So I had to wake up Emily for the big game.

Emily loves soccer, of course she wanted to go play too, so standing on the side was a little bit challenging at times.

Here is Emily and Joshua cheering for Caleb, Emily was saying "Go Caleb Go!"

Caleb and Emily kicked the ball around near the end of the game when he sat out for a few minutes. Even though he was tired, he still had time to play with his little cousin Emily.

After lunch at Linda's, the kids played outside on the swing set. Emily kept wanting to "catch" the boys when they came down the slide. Of course the last time Joshua came don't a little to quick and knocked her over, and that was the end of that game.

We had a great day, and of course I wished we live closer when we left to drive home.

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