Saturday, September 26, 2009

Big Leaf & Stickers

Thursday we went to storytime at the library and Emily made this big leaf.  I was so impressed that she could rip all of the strips of paper into squares and then she glued them on with a glue stick.  It's amazing how quickly kids learn how to do things.

In the afternoon mom watched Emily when I went to my hair appointment.  They took a nap, of course she sleeps when I am not home!  Grandma brought stickers which Emily put every one of the stickers on her shirt after grandma left.  That kept Emily busy for a little bit.  I had to take a picture of Emily with all of her stickers.  Then Emily wanted me in the picture, so there is a picture of us together per Emily's request.

A little funny story, we went for a walk after the stickers and stopped to see the neighbors horses and cats next door.  Emily held the kitties like she always does and then we ran into a few neighbors on our way home including meeting our neighbors new puppy Lola who is 3 months old.  Anyway that evening I get a call from our next door neighbor, did Emily put a sticker on one of the cats?  I laughed, one of their cats had an orange smiley face sticker on it when she got home.  She thought her son who is in High School put the sticker on the cat and blamed him, which made me laugh even harder!  I confessed it was probably Emily.

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